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Khark Ancient Graveyard

Khark Ancient Graveyard,iran tourism

In a part of the mountainous area of Khark Island, numerous graves have been discovered and a strong probability exists that these belong to the Zoroastrians and the Christian communities.


Goor Dokhtar

 Goor Dokhtar,iran tourism

The structure of 'Goor Dokhtar' is very similar to the mausoleum of Koorush the great in Pasargadae (about 600 BC.).


Chehel Khaneh Historical Caves

 Chehel Khaneh Historical Caves,iran tourism

In the north of 'Sa'dabad' (district of Burazjan), the 'Shapour River' flows through the rocky, stony and layers of heaped sand. The two sides and within these rocks, there are numerous crypts (similar to tiny 'dug out' chambers or rooms).


Koorush Palace

 Koorush Palace,iran tourism

This palace is located south east of Burazjan and alongside the dry river of 'Aardi'.
