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Helleh Wetland

Helleh Wetland,iran tourism

In the territory of Helleh the two rivers of Dalky and Shapour have brought about a large Wetland.


Khark Island

Khark Island,iran tourism

The Khark Island has a population of more than 10.000 and is located 57 km. north west of Bushehr and 38 km. from Genaveh.


Bushehr » Sheikh Sa'dune Mosque

Bushehr » Sheikh Sa'dune Mosque,iran tourism

This mosque is also known as the Masjed Shah and Masjed Kufi, constructed by an Arab called Sheikh and at present religious mourning ceremonies are held here.


Haji Mohammad Ebrahim Esfahani Tomb

 Haji Mohammad Ebrahim Esfahani Tomb,iran tourism

This tomb is octagonal and is similar to Mongol architecture. There is a strong possibility that Haji Mohammad Ebrahim Esfahani was buried was burried here in the year (1170 AH.)
