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Local and Regional Foods

Local and Regional Foods,iran tourism

In this province the following can be said to be a part of the local dishes : Aash-e-Jow torsheh, Bakhtiyari Aabgoosht , Yogourt Eshkeneh, Nishi Tanoori, Gorgoreh Holar, Sooq Dooq, Borani, Omaj, Aab Torshi, Kami Sheer, cheleek, Haleem, Rice, Polow Ajor, Kaleh Joosh, Amorbi


Local Music and Dances

Local Music and Dances,iran tourism

The Turkaman music which has more than 500 melodies, has been basically played according to four main divisions, i.e., "Mokhammas", "Tashnid", Qajiqlar" and "Navayee". These divisions can be played in four different methods in special regions or sects.


Local and Regional Foods

Local and Regional Foods,iran tourism

There are many types of delicacies such as soups, many types of roasted meals such as meat, vegetable, cutlet, Shami, Morqetorsh, Tah Beryan, Kadou Qaalyeh
