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Khajoo (Shahi) Bridge

Khajoo (Shahi) Bridge,iran tourism

The above mentioned took its foundation in the late Teimooride period, and was constructed according to what it is currently in 1060 AH, under the orders of Shah Abbas II.


Bodaq-ol-Soltan Tomb

  Bodaq-ol-Soltan Tomb,iran tourism

This tomb is located in the public graveyard of the city and belongs to one of the commanders of Shah Abbas Safavid.


Apadana (Dariush) Palace

 Apadana (Dariush) Palace,iran tourism

This palace was constructed by the order of Darius (Dariush) the Achaemenian on the top of Elamite hillocks and is knwon as Dariush (Apadana) palace.


Zevieh Castle

 Zevieh Castle,iran tourism

This castle is located 42 km. north east of Saqez, and to the west of the Karaftoo Village and in an ancient region.


Kashan Bazaar

 Kashan Bazaar,iran tourism

One of the important and attractive structures of Kashan is its ancient and large bazaar. Its primary structure dates to the 7th century AH.
