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Salavat Abad Village

 Salavat Abad Village,iran tourism

The village of Salavat Abad or Naman is located 15 km. east of Sanandaj and the Salavat Abad River flows from the south.


Baq-e-Ferdows Edifice (Tajrish)

 Baq-e-Ferdows Edifice (Tajrish),iran tourism

This edifice due to its glorifying beauty was known as Baq-e-Ferdows or Garden of Paradise. It was constructed by Haj Mirza Aqasi during the reign of Mohammad Shah Qajar in 1264 AH.


Oramanat Takht Village

 Oramanat Takht Village,iran tourism

The same is located in an east-west valley on steep slope overlooking the northern front of the Takht Mountains 63 km.
