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Abyaneh Village

 Abyaneh Village,iran tourism

This village is one of the well known in Esfahan province, in addition to which it boasts of a pleasant climate. The same is located in the northwestern slopes of the Karkas Mountains and at a distance of 28 km.


Zayandeh Rood River

Zayandeh Rood River,iran tourism

The Zayandeh Rood is one of the most important rivers of the central plateau of Iran. The same has come to be known by this name, due to the various gushing springs on its course, that is from its source to the mouth.


Gavkhoony Wetlands

Gavkhoony Wetlands,iran tourism

The above mentioned can be considered as one of the reputed wet lands in the central plateau of Iran. This vicinity covers an area of 476 sq. km.
