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Esfahan » Abbasi Jame' Mosque

Esfahan » Abbasi Jame' Mosque,iran tourism

The same is located to the south of the historical square of Esfahan, and was constructed under the orders of Shah Abbas I. Though its artistic works took place during the rule of his successor; and its epigraphs are the affects of a reputed calligrapher of the Safavid era.


The introduction of Esfahan

The introduction of Esfahan,iran tourism

This township which is in a north-south position, segregates the townships of the province into two eastern and western portions.


Ardabil Bazar

Ardabil Bazar,iran tourism

In the heart of the Ardabil city, this bazaar stands as old as the Islamic period. It's shape was described by the historians of 4th century AH. as a cross, extending in four directions with simply designed domes.
