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Imamzadeh Hood

 Imamzadeh Hood,iran tourism

This Imamzadeh is in the village of Yengi Qalleh in district of Razan. This twelve -sided structure is made of brick.


Imamzadeh Azhar-ebne Ali

 Imamzadeh Azhar-ebne Ali,iran tourism

This structure is in the village of Darjezin, in Razan district. The said is a cylindrically shaped tower 20 m. in height and with 19 panels.


Imamzadeh Abdollah

Imamzadeh Abdollah,iran tourism

The same is located in the square by the same name. The structure is a 24 sided one and spherical in shape. Its facade has 12 arches and 12 supporting pillars.


Habaqooq-e-Nabi Mausoleum

 Habaqooq-e-Nabi Mausoleum,iran tourism

This tomb is located near the city of Towiserkan and is related to the 7th century AH. Habaqooq Nabi was one of the prophets of the Israelites, the keeper of Solomon's Temple in Jerusalem.
