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Chahar Baq (Soltani) School

Chahar Baq (Soltani) School,iran tourism

This school was constructed for theological studies, late in the reign of Shah Soltan Hossain Safavid in the years 1116-1126 AH.


Aqa Bozorg School

 Aqa Bozorg School,iran tourism

This ancient structure has four porches and a beautiful dome with two tile worked minarets. Its courtyard and chambers that are on a lower level display an attractive aspect.


Khatoon Bridge

 Khatoon Bridge,iran tourism

This bridge was constructed at 2 km. southeast of Khoy on the river which is 40 km. from Khoy - Salmas Road in the years 1170-1200 AH.


Introducing Province

Introducing Province,iran tourism

The province of Kurdestan with the area of 29,137 square kilometers is located in the west of Iran.
