Siraf Ancient Graveyard, Siraf
This graveyard is in the north west of "Bandar-e-Taheri' and in the southern slopes overlooking it. Numerous graves have been found rectangular in shape (210 cm x 50 cm) and with a depth of 40-60cm. These graves have been dug out in the stone. Opposite to this graveyard is another site where the graves are placed vertical to the height of 3 m. and a width of 2 m. resembling bee hives and are regularly placed on the slopes.

Other Ancient Graveyards, Bushehr
Other graveyards and in this province are named as the grave of 'Shaqab' (Bushehr), the tomb of a British General (Bushehr), the 'Marv hillock and Pahn' hillock in Burazjan.