Oshtoran kooh Mountain, Aligoodarz
Located 50 km. within the limits of Aligoodarz and Borujerd, in a north west and south east direction, spans the 'Oshtoran Kooh' Mountain Range. Its natural glaciers are full of snow and ice throughout the year. This mountain range has numerous peaks, the tallest being San Boran with an altitude of 4,100 m. above sea level. This range from east to west runs in a zigzag fashion and at every bend forms into a semi-circle known as 'chal'. At the end of each of these 'chals' a permanent glacier is present. The 'chals' of the Oshtoran Kooh are named as, Meeshan, Kabood, Boran, Panjom, Fiyal Soon, Panjom, Peyar and Homayoon.