Mir Razieddin Artimany Tomb, Towiserkan
The tomb of Mohammad Razieddin Artimany, is located on a hill in the village of Artiman ( the township of Towiserkan). The facade of the structure is of brick, and has three tall arches. Behind these arches, there is an arched doorway with tile works. The structure is square in shape, with three chambers or rooms on each side externally. The mausoleum has four arched entrances, done in beautiful tile work on each side. Within the structure, the tomb has been made of hard stone.

Haj Seifoddoleh Tomb, Malayer
This tomb is in the vicinity of the park of Malayer. This was in the past, the private residence of Haj Seifoddoleh ( Soltan Mohammad Mirza Seifoddoleh, the grand-son of Fathali Shah). This estate and the surrounding lands belonged to Amir Mo'eed, the grand-son of Seifoddoleh, who was responsible for its construction. The vicinity of the tomb has four entrances, decoratively inlaid with bricks and with a domed shaped ceiling.