Climate, Gilan Province
Gilan enjoys a climate known as 'moderate Caspian'. The same has emerged from the influence of currents of both the Alborz Mountains and the Caspian Sea. The Talesh Mountains being in a north to south direction, and the Alborz mountains in an east to west direction. These serve as a barrier against the humid north-west Caspian winds and withholds the penetration of wind bearing vapors towards Iran's mainland, causing heavy rainfall in the northern provinces of Iran. However, freezing temperatures are seldom reported in the coastal areas. The amount of rainfall in Gilan, depends on the winds bearing vapor that blow from the north west in winter, from the east in spring and from the west in summer and autumn. These winds carry the vapor and humidity towards the plains causing heavy and prolonged rainfalls. In the year 1996, the average rainfall in Rasht was reported as 1015.4 mm. with 156 rainy and 20 frosty days. The average minimum and maximum temperatures were reported as 11 C and 20.9 C respectively.