Ardabil Jame' (Jomeh) Mosque
Up to the time of the Mongol attack, it was the center of government in Azarbayjan. Shah Esmail started his effort for a national government and land integrity of Iran from Ardabil and consequently he announced Tabriz as the capital city of Iran in 906 AH. In the Safavid period, Ardabil was the most important city of Iran both politically and economically. The city of Ardabil located on the trade crossroads between Europe and the East, played a critical role in the safety of the Silk Road.

The province is still strategically important with respect to tourism and trade. The city of Ardabil now is one of the most important cities of the province and Iran for its many historical monuments, specially the Safavid family's mausoleums and tombs, its location near many thermal springs with therapeutic virtues, and location on the main access road to the Republic of Azarbayjan. These have turned the city to a tourism center, which is visited by thousands of tourists every year.