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Kooh Gol Lake

 Kooh Gol Lake,iran tourism

The Kooh Gol Lake is located to the north of Boyer Ahmad and in the north eastern part of tourism city of Sisakht and close to the hills of Kooh Gol.

Acropol (Shoosh) Castle

 Acropol (Shoosh) Castle,iran tourism

The Acropol or Shoosh castle was constructed by a group of French archeologists in the year 1897 AD in the highest region of the city.

Moor Zard Zilaei Lake

 Moor Zard Zilaei Lake,iran tourism

This lake with an altitude of 2180 m. above sea level, is located to the south of Lordegan, close to the border of Chahar Mahal Va Bakhtiyari province and is at a distance of 180 km.

Dena Wildlife Protected Zones

 Dena Wildlife Protected Zones,iran tourism

One of the most beautiful natural areas of the province is the Dena protected Zone. It has the privilege of having a vegetation and animal species.

Dokhtar Castle

 Dokhtar Castle,iran tourism

This castle is located to the north of Ramhormoz. The spherical structure denotes the style of Roman architecture.
