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Lasjerd Shah Abbasi Caravansary

Lasjerd Shah Abbasi Caravansary,iran tourism

This caravansary is located in the village of Lasjerd of Semnan, and is a structure related to Shah Abbas Safavid I. It has two porches and a large courtyard with 24 rooms or chambers around it.

Ali Spring Edifice

 Ali Spring Edifice,iran tourism

The province of 'Gomess' and the city of Damqan, was favored by the monarchs of the early Qajar dynasty.

Arg Gate

Arg Gate,iran tourism

The said gate-way is located at the cross-roads of Ayatollah Talleqani Ave., and Sheikh Fazlollah Noori Ave., of Semnan. This was constructed during the reign of Naseredin Shah, in the years 1300-1305 AH.

Ebne Yamin-e-Forumadi Tomb

 Ebne Yamin-e-Forumadi Tomb,iran tourism

The tomb of this great poet lies in the village of Farumad, Shahrood. The structure and tomb are hexagonal, the latter has an engraving on it. The date of birth of this personality being 685 AH.
