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Joeshoon Castle

 Joeshoon Castle,iran tourism

Located on a height, 26 km. west of Varzegan, this castle belongs to pre-Islamic period and was also utilized after Islam.

Eil Goli Edifice

 Eil Goli Edifice,iran tourism

The former Shah Goli or the present Eil Goli (the Shah's pool) is one of the recreational areas of Tabriz and Iran located to the north east of Tabriz.

Khajeh Nasir Observatory

 Khajeh Nasir Observatory,iran tourism

This famous observatory was constructed in the year 657 AH. during the rule of Hollakoo Khan under the orders of the great Iranian scholar Khajeh Nasiroddin Toosi.

Robe Rashidy Edifice

 Robe Rashidy Edifice,iran tourism

These are the remnants of the ancient edifices from the period of the Eilkhanians. Robe Rashidy was the center of scholars and the learned people of those times.
