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Protected Wildlife Zones

Protected Wildlife Zones,iran tourism
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Protected Wildlife Zones, Hormozgan 

The Persian Gulf and Oman Sea have embedded hundreds of water species and in addition these waters form rich sources of sea food. Besides which this area is also a wildlife refuge, both for animal species and immigrant/endemic birds. In spite of the climatic conditions, limited sweet-water resources and scanty vegetation, some of the rare vegetation and animal species are found in this province. The protected areas in Hormozgan province are as follows: Genoo Protected Area: located at a distance of 29 km. northwest of the township of Bandar Abbas. Forested Protected Area of Harrah (mangrove): that are scattered from Hormoz Strait towards the east in the coasts of Oman.  The most important animal species in the protected areas of Hormozgan province are: Various species of immigrant birds from Africa or India. Animal species such as wild goat, wild sheep, bear, deer, hyena, wolf, fox, boar, partridge, dull yellow partridge, eagle, crab, (lobster), dolphin, snake, crocodile, tortoise, a variety of swallows, eagle, heron, and waterfowls such as flamingos and pelicans. The most important species of vegetation found here are, tropical trees, (desert) steppes, and vegetation from colder regions such as pine, cypress tree, wild olives and the box tree.


